Wings can be mended and we can learn to fly again…perhaps the reality of our last flight is that we were “attempting” to fly and forgot we had allowed our consciousness to be shackled.
The global pain and suffering wasn’t enough to force us to open our eyes….so much so we ignored the pain and suffering in our own front yards, in our cities, in our living rooms, but now….
We’ve taken to the streets claiming this cannot be our leader, yet the system says it’s so…I think now that we’ve been forced into a despicable corner, we need to define what changes we want and develop ways that we make the change first in our living rooms and then we might stand a chance of effectuating a change of consciousness throughout our communities and within ourselves.
No longer can we sit and watch in silence…no longer can we complain when we have not spoken…no longer can we afford to ignore our points of commonality…no longer can we feel that we are standing alone!
Now Is Our Time…steL Do iT!