Meditation is key in many corners of the earth to calm one’s spirit…to find depth in reasoning…to find inner peace.
Yesterday I began with a mantra to make lemonade of a recent decision by my health insurance company to NOT cover my foot surgery — 3 days before the surgery….I did my research and filed my appeal on Tuesday. “One monkey won’t stop this ship from seeing light in every corner!” After all, I was planning to be in a rehab facility for 2 weeks and then no weight bearing for 6 more, and now…I am incognito! I thought, “I can slide between these molecules of wetness, like an eel through seaweed!” On with the lemonade, which includes a considerable amount of pain management, but I choose to flow with it.
The day also included a trip to the vet with our 12 1/2 year old kitty, Lily, who had been listless of late, without an appetite and loosing weight. On the scales it was noted her weight had dropped from 5.4k to 2.9k in the last 3 months. She was sweet and calm, but the doctor returned with the news that her kidneys had stopped functioning and she wouldn’t survive this…so at 7:07PM, we laid her to rest. After and in between our tears, we gave thanks for her place in our lives and the fabulous contributions she made as a family member. Carol thought it fitting on the eve of Thanksgiving.
Needless to say, the raw turkey didn’t make it to the oven, but I awoke this morning and made a pot of my famous Turkey Chili! We have planned for this to be a pajama day and had turned down several invitations for Thanksgiving dinner today.
We have options as we always do, but now on the dusk of Lily’s passing we rise to the occasion of sitting still.
In the stillness of this morning I declare that I am not mad at anyone and find varying degrees of compassion and empathy for all who walk this earth. I also am sympathetic for those who are struggling with their journey as well as those who haven’t learned to speak their own truths.
Joy is my chosen path and know my cup overflows. Joy often begets laughter, which is the most inexpensive prescription a wellness professional can give…On this day of thankfulness, I share my overflow and ask all interested parties to:
Hug A Mug Of Joy (HAMOJ)!
Look into a mirror and see the glory, see the weariness, see the light, see the love and embrace yourself, as then…you can truly embrace others.