Diem Jones
Nov 9, 2020


Fire Meets Ice

I have found that sometimes it is through sharing, I better understand the truth of my own soul…that said and realized (in that order), it is often through listening and hearing the words that flow from my vessel that I hear something I have never heard before, and learn a lesson or two.

…this flowing phenomenon, I now feel impelled to title “Flow Know,” that many of my self teachings originate and from the points of hearing and self-editing, I sometimes refine the message and share because I care…

…I care enough about the human race (the primal race of Homo sapiens) to share with hopes of sparking thoughts from others. These sparks may be aligned or not, but I find the dialogue and exchange with others healthy, fulfilling and inspirational….Thank You:

…the desired effect is what you get, when you improve your inner-galactic connections.

Joy to this day

Joy to all of our say

As truth is in the light and light can fill rooms….

r.u. with us?

O.N.E. [One Never Escapes]

Words: ©2020 Diem Jones aka Drs. Fladimir MS Woo & HM Joy

Photo of Iceland: I. Haddou



Diem Jones

Diem Jones is a poet, musician, multi-media artist, and arts administrator. He is also co-founder and past of E.D. VONA/Voices (VONA) and Murray Gove.