Drop, Drip Who¿
…got the tee shirt!
Does everything have to be identified and classified? I most certainly don’t want my identifications and classifications representing the everything of my being.
I often wear t-shirts, in the warmer months, with messages, brands and photos on the fronts and backs. I wouldn’t wear them, if I didn’t have a connection, endorsement or advocacy of, at the time, however…this shirt message cannot be representative of all of my being — forever…in fact there are some shirt messages that are transient, thus I have been know to make the statement, “been there, done that, got the t-shirt…and burned the t-shirt.”
The burning of the shirt is a reflection of “a lesson learned and no need to repeat,” or “a place I’ve been and don’t need to return.”
I came to the conclusion long ago that we do judge books by their covers, as we often make judgements or opinions of others by their outer wares. So I do accept myself and others changing gears, as pink/pink can become stank and what I thought yesterday, may not be what I am thinking tomorrow.
…been there, done that — I got the tee-shirt…been — around — been — around , all to a thesis!…been there, done that and burned the tee-shirt!
…checked your drawers lately?